Monday Jul 01, 2019
Dr. Carl Totton - Part I
Monday Jul 01, 2019
Monday Jul 01, 2019
Part I of my interview with Dr. Carl Totton, Psychologist, and Founder of the Taoist Institute in Burbank, CA.
Dr. Carl is the creator of the CORE System*, a new method of integrating the ancient roots of the traditional healing, spiritual and martial arts and transforming them to contemporary applications. He applies a holistic approach to healing and his methods have helped me discover many of my personal "blind spots" as we have worked through some hurts from my past. Be sure to check out his website and view more of the amazing work he is a part of!
Show Notes:
Dr. Carl Totton: Website
The Deep West: Instagram
Whiskey & Ry: Instagram Twitter
Ryan Charles Brown: Instagram Twitter
Monday Jun 24, 2019
Dr. Caroline Heldman - Part II
Monday Jun 24, 2019
Monday Jun 24, 2019
Monday Jun 17, 2019
Dr. Caroline Heldman - Part I
Monday Jun 17, 2019
Monday Jun 17, 2019
Part I with Dr. Caroline Heldman, Executive Director of the Representation Project and Professor of Politics at Occidental College in Los Angeles.
Dr. Carline was one of the original Rideshare folks to encourage me to take this topic of dismantling toxic masculinity and to bring it to a larger audience. I am so grateful for her time and enjoyed every minute of our conversation! I sat down to record this episode with Dr. Caroline a few months back. This will explain some of the references we make such as the ad run by Gillette. Make sure to follow Dr. Heldman on Twitter and pick up one of her books on politics, gender equality, and equal representation.
Show Notes:
Dr. Caroline Heldman: Website
The Deep West: Instagram
Sunday Jun 16, 2019
Pilot (Part II)
Sunday Jun 16, 2019
Sunday Jun 16, 2019
Part II of the Pilot Episode of Whiskey & Ry
Over the past 3 years, Ryan Charles Brown, has given over 5,000 Uber rides around the city of Los Angeles. In this time, he has shared his “coming of age” story with people from all around the world, while also hearing stories from their upbringing as they travel towards a final destination. Some of the items discussed were: rites of passage into “manhood”, what it might mean to “be a man” today and in the future, and how can men participate in dismantling toxic masculinity? Then one night, while sipping some whiskey at a bar with a friend, Whiskey & Ry was born.
After the end of The Mission Podcast, Ryan was seeking a new conversation that would cross multiple boundaries and build bridges into areas of conversation that have been “cut off” by the traditional interpretation of masculinity and what it means to be a man today. Whiskey & Ry provides a pathway into honest, vulnerable and courageous dialogue about topics that will both interest and challenge listeners to think deeper into ways in which men can be a part of the movement to dismantle toxic masculinity.
Show Notes:
The Deep West: Instagram
Saturday Jun 15, 2019
Pilot (Part I)
Saturday Jun 15, 2019
Saturday Jun 15, 2019
Pilot Episode of Whiskey & Ry.
Over the past 3 years, Ryan Charles Brown, has given over 5,000 Uber rides around the city of Los Angeles. In this time, he has shared his “coming of age” story with people from all around the world, while also hearing stories from their upbringing as they travel towards a final destination. Some of the items discussed were: rites of passage into “manhood”, what it might mean to “be a man” today and in the future, and how can men participate in dismantling toxic masculinity? Then one night, while sipping some whiskey at a bar with a friend, Whiskey & Ry was born.
After the end of The Mission Podcast, Ryan was seeking a new conversation that would cross multiple boundaries and build bridges into areas of conversation that have been “cut off” by the traditional interpretation of masculinity and what it means to be a man today. Whiskey & Ry provides a pathway into honest, vulnerable and courageous dialogue about topics that will both interest and challenge listeners to think deeper into ways in which men can be a part of the movement to dismantle toxic masculinity.
Show Notes:
The Deep West; Instagram